Photographic memory pictures
Photographic memory pictures

photographic memory pictures

In response to Katherine I’d have to say yes and no to that question. But this still poses the question…why are some of us better as using eidetic imagery than others? The article gives the example that many of us are better at recognizing someone’s face rather than remembering their name. Our brains often find it easier to remember images rather than specific details. This article argues that nearly everyone has a photographic memory and states it is simply the case that “visual material is much better and more detailed than our recall of most other kinds of material”. Since I find this topic so relatable I decided to look into it more and found a great article from Scientific American. For example, when I make flashcards to study I don’t necessarily memorize the exact words on the card, but rather what the card looks like and then mentally fill in the blanks. I found your post really intriguing because I often find myself using this so called “eidetic imagery”. Johnna Nicole Hayward Septemat 10:43 am.Post navigation Previous post: ← When Should I Drink My Coffee? Next post: Megalodon: Myth or Real? →Ĩ thoughts on “ Is Photographic Memory Real?” This entry was posted in Uncategorized on Septemby sjb5895. If you have any thoughts on this, or you know anyone who has photographic memory, comment on this post and talk about it! But there definitely is evidence that this phenomenon is real. So in the end, photographic memory is real, it is just called eidetic imagery, and it might not be as literal as having a storage of photos of things in your head. Which is unfortunate, because I am sure buys adults could really benefit from using this imagery. So it seems that really you get it or you don’t and it could fade away the older you get as the worse your memory gets. So you must think, how can I get this? The thing is that mostly younger people have it, it there is no research that adults possess this ability to form eidetic images. There is a lot of psychology that goes into this, and you can read more about it here.

photographic memory pictures

During that time period is when the person will go over it in their head so they can learn it without using their photographic memory. They usually tend to last for a half a minute to several minutes only. You may think that you could have this photographic memory because you can remember a photo that was taken or a page from a book really well, but the difference with eidetic memory is that their memories will fade away involuntarily. It is kind of cheating the system and storing the image in your head without fully learning it. The funny thing about people with photographic memory describe the objects or images in their head in the present tense as if they are looking at it right then and there.Įidetic memory is different then just memorizing or learning something. They can describe the picture just like it is still in front of them. So to explain that, you can put a picture in from of an eidetiker for 30 seconds, then remove it, and the person will confidently claim to still see the picture in their head. Eidetic imagery is defined as a normal subjective visual image experienced with noticeable vividness whether evoked by an actual external object or not. I did some research on the internet and there is actually a more scientific name for photographic memory, eidetic imagery. I wanted to do some research and really figure out if photographic memory is actually a thing, or if it is just what smart people tell everyone else to make themselves seem cooler. I mean if I had photographic memory, I know I would have probably done a lot better in high school. Ever since I heard about photographic memory as a kid, I was always fascinated and pretty jealous of the people who could just look at a picture or a page on a book and just memorize it.

Photographic memory pictures